Navigating Finances Is A Challenge, No Matter Who You Are.


For Small Business Owners

It’s crucial that you KNOW and can COMMUNICATE your worth and the value of your investment.


For Individuals, Especially Women

You need to learn how to manage your money so that it works FOR YOU, not against you.


For Financial Advisors

You have to offer INSIGHT AND INFORMATION to your clients, who need guidance to the future they dream of.

I’ll show you how to position yourself at the helm of any financial matters so you, your business, and your clients can smoothly sail toward financial freedom and success. I help you unpack and detangle business finances and valuation, and make it all easy as pie.

You need clarity. I give it to you.

Navigating Finances Is A Challenge, No Matter Who You Are.

1. For Small Business Owners

It’s crucial that you KNOW and can COMMUNICATE your worth and the value of your investment.

2. For Individuals, Especially Women

You need to learn how to manage your money so that it works FOR YOU, not against you.

3. For Financial Advisors

You need to learn how to manage your money so that it works FOR YOU, not against you.

I’ll show you how to position yourself at the helm of any financial matters so you, your business, and your clients can smoothly sail toward financial freedom and success. I help you unpack and detangle business finances and valuation, and make it all easy as pie.

You need clarity. I give it to you.

If you’re a small business owner or investor, the one thing you need to know above all else is: What are you worth?

If you don’t know the value of your vision, your time, your efforts and your talent, you won’t ever realize a fair return on your investment.

I’m here to give you all the information you need to move forward, in finances and in life. Let’s explore what matters to you and pave a road to abundance.

The Valuation Formula

An essential course for successful business owners.

Together we will learn the strategies and mechanics of valuation so that you can plan your way to success. You are the financial force behind your business… and now it’s time to take full control of your destiny.

This 6-week signature course will teach you how to put the right price on your business and negotiate the best deal, for yourself, your family, and your future.

Exit Strategy Formula

The right way out.

If you aren’t feeling confident about your business exit strategy, it’s time to turn that around. A good exit strategy measures progress and defines success. Keep a planned endgame in your strategy and understand your company's value to maximize payoff.

If you’re a small business owner or investor, the one thing you need to know above all else is: What are you worth?

If you don’t know the value of your vision, your time, your efforts and your talent, you won’t ever realize a fair return on your investment.

I’m here to give you all the information you need to move forward, in finances and in life. Let’s explore what matters to you and pave a road to abundance.

The Valuation Formula

An essential course for successful business owners.

Together we will learn the strategies and mechanics of valuation so that you can plan your way to success. You are the financial force behind your business… and now it’s time to take full control of your destiny.

This 6-week signature course will teach you how to put the right price on your business and negotiate the best deal, for yourself, your family, and your future.

The Exit Strategy Formula

The right way out.

If you aren’t feeling confident about your business exit strategy, it’s time to turn that around. A good exit strategy measures progress and defines success. Keep a planned endgame in your strategy and understand your company's value to maximize payoff.

Think of me as your financial fairy godmother.

We’re going to tap into your power no matter where you are on your path to becoming the financial authority in your own life. Don’t be shy about financial matters, take your place at the helm.

You deserve the life you’ve been dreaming of — one where you understand how to take control of your destiny, plan for your future, and embrace the financial strategies that make sense for who you are and what you want.

Financial freedom is the cornerstone of living the life that is meant for you. Let’s make a plan to get you there.

Worth It

A comprehensive guide for mastering your personal finances.

If you think finances aren’t your forte, think again. This 6-week course will show you how you can take control of your financial future. Let’s get real about financial plans and how they can work for you. From life-changing events like divorce and inheritance, to everyday money matters, life is full of surprises. But your finances don’t have to be.

Think of me as your financial fairy godmother.

We’re going to tap into your power no matter where you are on your path to becoming the financial authority in your own life. Don’t be shy about financial matters, take your place at the helm.

You deserve the life you’ve been dreaming of — one where you understand how to take control of your destiny, plan for your future, and embrace the financial strategies that make sense for who you are and what you want.

Financial freedom is the cornerstone of living the life that is meant for you. Let’s make a plan to get you there.

Worth It

A comprehensive guide for mastering your personal finances.

If you think finances aren’t your forte, think again. This 6-week course will show you how you can take control of your financial future. Let’s get real about financial plans and how they can work for you. From life-changing events like divorce and inheritance, to everyday money matters, life is full of surprises. But your finances don’t have to be.

You’re a top-notch financial advisor, and you want to help your clients navigate the complexities of financial matters in the most strategic and practical way possible.

But you’re not totally sure of the full breadth of services you should offer. How much is too much, or not enough?

It’s time that you learn how to easily and quickly add more value for your clients so that they trust you to advise and guide them every step of the way. Become the ultimate financial authority to your clients with the help of my handy how-to guide.

Advisory Overview

A how-to guide to add value for your clients.

This quick, one page overview is specially designed for advisors. It’s an at-a-glance cheat sheet filled with market insights, a trusted checklist, and comprehensive rules. You’ll get the tools you need to increase your own value to your clients.

The bonus package includes 5 pre-filled templates to make your advisory process quick and effective.

Exit Strategy Formula

The right way out.

If your clients aren’t feeling confident with their business exit strategy, let’s change that. A good exit strategy measures progress and defines success. Keep a planned endgame in your strategy and understand your company's value to maximize payoff. Exit with confidence knowing you planned for the long term.

You’re a top-notch financial advisor, and you want to help your clients navigate the complexities of financial matters in the most strategic and practical way possible.

But you’re not totally sure of the full breadth of services you should offer. How much is too much, or not enough?

It’s time that you learn how to easily and quickly add more value for your clients so that they trust you to advise and guide them every step of the way. Become the ultimate financial authority to your clients with the help of my handy how-to guide.

Advisory Overview

A how-to guide to add value for your clients.

This quick, one page overview is specially designed for advisors. It’s an at-a-glance cheat sheet filled with market insights, a trusted checklist, and comprehensive rules. You’ll get the tools you need to increase your own value to your clients.

The bonus package includes 5 pre-filled templates to make your advisory process quick and effective.

The Exit Strategy Formula

The right way out.

If your clients aren’t feeling confident with their business exit strategy, let’s change that. A good exit strategy measures progress and defines success. Keep a planned endgame in your strategy and understand your company's value to maximize payoff. Exit with confidence knowing you planned for the long term.

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